Putting Products in Context

I used this week’s design challenge to create an image slider that displays products in a useful context for customers.

Julia Deutsch
2 min readOct 9, 2020

Buying furniture online is convenient, but it makes it harder to imagine the piece in a real room. In showrooms, pieces are set up in context — there’s other furniture so it feels like a real room.

Showing a piece in context rather than just on a white background could really help people imagine a piece in their actual home.

Not super helpful
Better, shows scale and context

This image slider, if built could be further customizable to improve the customer experience.

  1. Allow users to upload an image of their own space so they can see the real context for the piece
  2. Allow users to select multiple pieces to view on their background and allow them to click between them to help compare multiple pieces

A couple places have added a AR functionality that allows you to place a piece in a space that you can view through your phone screen.

AR preview of a table lamp

This feature is really neat, but sometimes you don’t have access to the place you’re buying for (new apartment, etc.), but you might have photos, so the image slider still allows users to view products in context.



Julia Deutsch

Product Manager with a background in computer engineering, design, business consulting, and agile methodology